My Second Car

When I was in Kagoshima, I got me a second hand Toyota Allion, which I reluctantly sold before moving to Tokyo.

Just last month, I got me one of these.

I need to save money.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. sim says:

    Oh, that’s an innovative way of saving money. Why we haven’t think of that? Whehehe!


  2. sim says:

    Hi Rics, how about if we hand-made our own car? Accord there.


  3. sim says:

    Last bro, how about the making of Honda Accord?


  4. wow sim! four comments in a row! that’s a new record! 😀


  5. amazing, didn’t you just had a losing-your-job scare and negative % on your mutual fund? and you chose this time to buy a car? but come to think about it, owning a car keep optimism going.


  6. hahaha. actually, I bought the car a few days *before* the bankruptcy! 😀


  7. Sun Jun says:

    nice car ^^wat color did u get? white? ^^


  8. thanks. i got pearl white, just like in the video. ^^


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