My Boring Summer Vacation

As a company policy, we are required to take summer leaves before the end of September. I scheduled mine this week though I didn’t really make travel plans because my wife had to work and it was only me on vacation. So for one week, I got to experience life without work … all by…

We’re Moving!

One fine day, I received an email about having to renew the contract for our current place, which was fine as it was something we had to do every few years. The difference this time was, our monthly rent would have to increase by 50,000 yen! First thing that came to mind was our happy…

SNS Review 2018

More and more, I am starting to lose interest with all these social networking services. Facebook has lost its appeal because my timeline has started to look like a long boring stream of babies, travels, and get-togethers of people I barely know anyways. Not to mention the persistent articles about Duterte or Trump many of…

Morning Fire Scare

This morning, while getting ready for work, I got a little scare from this alarm sound coming from the security intercom. It was later followed by the sound of sirens outside the building. Been living here almost ten years already, and this was the first time. View this post on Instagram Not exactly what you…

Is my doctor ripping me off?

Is my Japanese doctor ripping me, and my insurance off? This is a question I started asking myself after a few months with this doctor. It started when the results of my yearly medical exams arrived, and they found an excessive level of CA19-9, a tumor marker. Imagine the shock not only from myself, but maybe…

Close Encounter of the C Kind

The results of my recent medical exams were out, and aside from the now usual “bad” cholesterol numbers, one particular number caught my attention, CA 19-9, an item under a section called “Tumor Markers.” Oh! The clinic marked it as “D1”, which essentially means I was in deep sh1t, and treatment was required. The doctor…

Playing The Blame Game

The other day, I was having this somewhat philosophical discussion with one of my managers and one question raised was “When a student fails a test, who should we blame?”

Where I Stand Now Religion Wise

I have written several blogs about my beliefs, and you could see some of them if you actually search through this blog site. I am writing this blog now as a milestone to where I stand now religion wise, so that years from now, I can look back and see how I have evolved from…

Our Creators And Our Creations

What if… we were created by our creators in their own image and likeness, just as we create characters in our computer games, in our own image and likeness? The phrase “as above, so below” makes a lot more sense if we think in this way.

Nefertiti’s Elongated Head

Nefertiti is one of the more interesting figures in Egyptian history. She may be the second most popular woman in Egyptian history, second only to Cleopatra. The image people most often associate with Nefertiti is probably this bust, now housed in the Neues Museum in Berlin, Germany.